A hernia is a very common condition affecting a large number of people across the world. A hernia occurs when an organ or any internal tissue breaks through a hole in the muscles. A hernia is mostly developed in the abdomen which can be easily diagnosed and a quick surgery returns the area to the normal state. This procedure is called a hernia repair surgery or Hernioplasty.

What causes a hernia?

A hernia can be caused by various reasons where there occurs a weakness in the abdominal wall causing protrusion of fat and intestine and leads to the formation of a bulge that can be easily felt. Let us analyse some common reasons which cause a hernia.

  • Improper weight lifting over a longer period.
  • Hard coughing bouts
  • Sharp blows to the abdomen 
  • Incorrect posture
  • Any conditions that increase the pressure in the abdominal cavity can cause a hernia like obesity, straining during bowel movements. 
  • Poor nutrition 
  • Prolonged smoking and overexertion.

Symptoms of Hernia

Hernia or inguinal hernia takes almost 1 to 2 years for a proper diagnosis. The symptoms mainly start with pain, discomfort etc, however, these symptoms can be for any other problems also, thus, the actual symptoms must be looked at and it is the doctor who shall diagnose from the following whether to go for surgery. 

  • Long term pain or discomfort.
  • Pain or discomfort in the abdomen while doing everyday activities.
  • Fast-growing hernias which require immediate surgery.
  • Sharp pain in the abdomen causing pain and vomiting.

In some cases, it is also found that patients do not develop any symptoms which require medical intervention, however, the hernia can be solved only with surgery.

What is a hernia repair surgery?

Hernia repair surgery, also known as Hernioplasty, is when a mesh mesh patch is sewn over the weakened region of tissue. Hernioplasty is the type of hernia repair surgery where the tissue is repaired. The surgeon makes small cuts around the hole in the shape of a mesh and further stitches the patch into the healthy tissues. 

Herniorrhaphy is one of the oldest methods of tissue repair surgery where the surgeon makes a long cut directly over the hernia and the surgeon stitches the side of the muscle opening through which the hernia had protruded. The wound gets sterilized and it is shut. 

Recovery from hernia

It usually takes three to six weeks to completely recover from the hernia repair surgery. 

Some complications might also appear which must be looked at and the doctor must be contacted immediately.

  • Organ or tissue damage which occurs during the surgery.
  • Infection.
  • Nerve damage and neuralgia.
  • Constipation. 
  • Difficulty in urinating.
  • Internal bleeding.
  • Hematoma or pooling of blood at the wound.
  • Incisional hernia developing through the surgical cut.
  • Fistula 
  • Urinary tract infection.

What is the cost of a Hernia repair surgery in 2022?

Hernia repair surgery ranges from $3900 to $12,500. The Average hospital bills for a hernia repair surgery is $5,800. However, it doesn’t include the surgeon’s bill.  

The average cost for a Hernioplasty for an inpatient is $11,500 while for an outpatient is $6,400 on an average. 

The cost of a hernia repair surgery varies depending on the type of surgery one goes for. 

ZeaMed is keen on making healthcare and all its areas, a necessity by making the costs economical. The cost for such injections that require an advance technology requires extremely high cost which again varies and it is very difficult for a patient to trust a particular cost laid by any health care firm.ZeaMed being one of the most trustworthy health service providers will ensure that every treatment goes on smoothly by providing a transparent price rate suiting patients from every class. 

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