At least once a year, we all might have to have a blood differential without even realising what it consists of. 

A blood differential test is known by several different names and abbreviations used by doctors. Here is a list of other names used in the case of blood differential tests. Some doctors use the term-TC DC ESR.

  • Total count(TC)
  • Direct count(DC)
  • Erythrocyte sedimentation rate( ESR)

A blood differential test, also known as Complete blood count, measures the amount of each of the white blood corpuscles in the blood. The following are the five types of blood cells of which will be mentioned in your blood report. 

  1. Neutrophils- These are the prominent cells in the blood which fight any infection by releasing enzymes.
  2. Lymphocytes- The two types of lymphocytes are B cells which fight off the invading virus and T cells that destroy the already infected virus.
  3. Monocytes- Helps in removing the dead cells and helps to boost the immune system of the body
  4. Eosinophils- Helps fight infection, inflammation and any kinds of allergic reactions.
  5. Basophils- Helps the releasing of enzymes to control allergic reactions and also defend the body against any foreign substance.

Why should you go for a Total blood count test?

Your doctor may advise you for a Blood Differential Test as a part of routine checkup to know the overall health of the body, as well as to diagnose any suspected condition. 

  • To monitor the condition of WBC, and to see if it is fighting a condition
  • To track the RBC, which carries oxygen
  • To help analyse the platelets, which help clot the blood
  • To analyse the concentration of haemoglobin in the RBC
  • To analyse hematocrit, the ratio of RBC to plasma 

If the total blood count results are normal, you are good to go; if not, the doctor may advise you for a few more tests to fully diagnose whether you have an infection, bone marrow disorder, or an autoimmune disease.

What is the procedure for the test?

The procedure is performed by simply drawing blood from your veins, then within a day or two, your reports may arrive. 

The advancement of medical sciences have brought some innovative technologies, such as electric lasers, or some sort of photodetection methods to test your blood. The accuracy is 99%! 

What do the test reports say?

You must consult a doctor immediately after the tests are done. In any case, you need to know briefly what the quantity of compositions means in your report, the following might be useful.

Neutrophils54-62%Neutrophilia, infection, stress,Rheumatoid arthritis,Chronic leukaemiaNeutropenia,Aplastic anaemia,Severe viral$bacterial infection,Recent chemotherapy
Lymphocyte-s25-30%Lymphoma,Hepatitis,Myeloma,Lymphocytic leukaemiaHIV, TB, Sepsis,Autoimmune disorder
Monocytes0-9%Parasite/Viral infection,Inflammatory disease,Collagen vascular disease,

Basophils1%Serious food allergy,Inflammation, Leukaemia
Eosinophils1-3%EosinophiliaAllergic reaction,Skin inflammation,Parasitic infection,Certain cancer

How much does it cost for a differential blood test?

The costs can range from $10-$2000, depending on the type of clinic you visit and if you are covered by insurance. You should mention the type of tests needed. Some doctors advise only for a platelet count, where you would be charged differently. Prices can vary with the type of service provider you visit, the area you live in, whether you are going for an office visit, or the compounder visits your home and collects the blood sample. 

How can I save money for a blood differential test?

  1. Insurance: Some insurances will cover these checkups.
  2. Always inquire about discounts.
  3. Keep a track of what the test claims for and what reports you get, sometimes you might be charged more for something you didn’t ask for.
  4. Always ask for hidden costs, such as in draw fee or venipuncture fee.

Confusing, isn’t it? A high number of people who get fooled by the discrepancies in price end up paying too much. It is very necessary to keep a track of other clinics for the price, to compare and contrast and also to check for the quality control measures, as in the laboratories the samples are going for.

ZeaMed surpasses all these confusions and deceit. ZeaMed believes in price transparency and ensuring the best quality for all its patients with highly economical price ranges that suits every patient.

Visit our website to know more.


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