What are the factors which determine the health of a person?

Well, the health of a person depends upon various factors. There is a group of determiners which are social determiners upon which health depends. The social determinants of health refer to specific social and economic factors which modify health—the WHO considers that it is the social determinant that influences health in a significant way.

Our CEO, Dr. Chandra Bondugula, explores these social determinants of health more. He says, “health variants are present not just in individuals but also in communities.” He also says that Genetics too plays a significant role in determining health. 

Social determinants of health in 2023

These determinants fall into five main categories-


A significant section of people have limited access to healthcare, including insurance coverage and all sorts of healthcare. In other words, it points to a lack of health transparency. Consumers must get to know what they are paying for. Most of the time, these healthcare services must give exact information beforehand. As a result, consumers lose money and confidence in transparent healthcare.


The second most crucial determiner of healthcare is the economy. The economy plays a significant role in all the realms of the 21st century. Healthcare depends upon the economy to a large extent. If an individual has limited income, he would not want to spend on health unless it is an emergency. Economically poor people have limited access to healthcare. Even if they have access, it is just for basic health needs. 

What about the significant health requirements ❓Will no one cater to these needs ❓

Well, situations can sometimes be different. Last week, a patient booked a service through ZeaTool. A week later, he came to us with his feedback. He says, ZeaMed saved a significant amount of money on his health procedures. It was because of the price transparency procedure we follow. This consumer works in a dessert shop and earns a handsome salary. However, he wants to avoid reckless spending on healthcare. He wishes to spend it economically. 

Imagine all healthcare companies providing transparent services. How economical it would be!


Education plays a significant role in determining healthcare. Individuals need to understand their health. Some people are bound by cultural shackles and taboos which limit them to access healthcare. In most third-world countries, people living in rural areas follow cultural practices which interfere with the scientific arenas. Most of these cultural practices are bound upon women. 

Therefore, it is essential to merge Education with healthcare. Let us broaden our minds and follow logical health practices. 

ZeaHealth leaves no stone unturned to educate the readers about their health. We regularly come up with ideas that enrich all of us. We are breaking the age-old taboos. ZeaMed regards healthcare as a basic necessity of humanity. It is essential to know about basic health ailments. 

Let us see what Dr. Chandra Bondugula has to say about Education being a significant determinant of health- 

“Education is the essential process of socioeconomic status and an important determinant of health, employment, and income. 

Of all the Social Determinants of Health, Education is the most critical factor concerning health disparities. An Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) report found global evidence indicating that Education plays the most significant role specifically in shaping individual health behaviors. Further, it is essential to spread awareness among people about their health and well-being. Health literacy should consider language, cultural beliefs, and the medium of instruction.” 

Why Does Education Matter to Health?

Education impacts health in various ways. 

  • Personal behavioral choices
  • Health Awareness
  • Income and Career
  • Personal Behavioral Choices

Education forms the foundation for behavioral choices. Children can acquire positive attitudes toward participation and healthy habits in the educational setting. They learn the importance and value of healthy eating, nutrition, and physical well-being in elementary schools. For instance, providing students with wholesome, nutritionally balanced meals at school can support lessons that teach them the value of maintaining a well-balanced diet and nutrition and aid in developing healthy eating habits.

How Health Awareness Impacts Our Lives?

Those who are educated will make healthier choices. They will also know the implications of healthy eating habits, physical exercise, and access to quality care. Furthermore, those with higher levels of Education have greater exposure to both people and resources of information that focus on healthy lifestyles, which include not only eating habits but also the level of physical activity.

Income and Career

Dr. Chandra Bondugula says, “Education is directly connected with employment, career, and income. Education means getting a better job, teaching kids to be successful, and making a difference in everyday life. Higher Education provides better employment opportunities, higher income, and thus, access to quality health care services. On the other hand, inadequate Education reduces a person’s ability in occupation, and they can’t find well-paying jobs.”


Individuals over age 18 spend a significant amount of their hours at work. Therefore, employment is the source of income and determines our socioeconomic status. 

People aged 30 to 59 with no jobs suffer more physical, emotional, and functional impairment than those employed. 

Employment also impacts health in different aspects. The following are the aspects:

  • Work Environment
  • Access To Healthcare
  • Socio Economic Status
  • Work Environment

Employed people are healthier than unemployed due to insurance coverage from their employers. But an individual’s workplace environment also matters; work status, social relations, stress, and burnout all impact overall health and well-being. 

The key to improving health is linked to improving the quality of life. So, we need to improve the quality of places and the environment where we spend most of our time- schools, universities, workplaces, and more. 


People’s health is significantly impacted by the environments into which they are born and by which they conduct their lives. These elements affect a person’s chances to access healthcare, have a healthy diet, receive a quality education, live and work in an environment free of toxins, and more.

So, it is essential to address Social determinants of health by people and by the government to ensure healthcare equity. 

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