Dehydration is possible in winter as sweat does not primarily act as an indicator signaling us to drink water. Generally, we do not feel thirsty as compared to summer. We still lose water in winter through bodily fluids like urine, stool, and sweat. It is very important to stay hydrated even during winter. Lack of hydration increases discomfort and may increase the chances of kidney stones, UTI, IBS, etc. 

What is dehydration?

It is a condition when we lose more bodily fluids than we consume. As a result, it hampers the normal body functioning. Our body needs water to transport essential nutrients, human waste, etc. Low water intake hampers the normal physiological functions of the body.

When temperatures drop, our bodies often signal less thirst, making recognizing the need for hydration challenging. Cold-weather dehydration is a real concern, and its effects can be subtle yet impactful. Dehydration occurs when the body lacks sufficient fluids to perform its essential functions, affecting everything from cognitive performance to immune system support.

What are the symptoms of dehydration?

Let us look at the symptoms of dehydration in winter.

  • Excessive dryness in the mouth
  • Lack of tears while crying
  • Extreme thirst
  • Less urination
  • Dizziness
  • Confusion
  • Dark yellow colored urine
  • Dry skin
  • Headache
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Muscle cramps

Every instance of sweating, urination, or bowel movement results in water loss. Even without noticeable sweating, water loss through the skin and the dry indoor air from heating systems can lead to dehydration without clear symptoms. Insufficient water intake can cause several health conditions. 

How can we stay hydrated during winter?

Let us look at some simple tips to increase our hydration throughout winter.

  • Drinking adequate water: Water usage depends upon the need, physical activity, medical conditions, etc. However, there must be an optimum intake of water. A healthy man and woman must consume 13 and 9 cups of water, where 1 cup equals 8 ounces. However, it depends upon the physical activity and the requirement.
  • Warm fluids: During the winter, it becomes difficult to sip water that becomes cold at room temperature. Alternative options like storing water in a thermos flask and consuming warm water can be considered. Warm fluids can improve your hydration during winter.
  • Consuming fresh vegetables and fruits: During winter, one can choose water-rich fruits and vegetables, which increases the body’s water intake.
  • Avoiding too much caffeine during winter: We try to drink more caffeine or tea during winter. Our bodies tend to dry out if we don’t drink adequate water. One can drink water beforehand and then go for caffeine, as it would balance.
  • Limiting alcohol: Alcohol dries up the body. It should not be counted for fluid intake. One can switch to mocktails during the winter instead of alcohol. Even if you consume, drink plenty of water.
  • Flavourful infusions: Tempt yourself with flavourful infusions in place of normal water. Try adding lemon and herbs to a glass of water. This is also healthy for the body.
  • Making a proper hydration routine: Remembering to drink water regularly during winter is good. Start your day by drinking plenty of water and sipping water throughout the day.

Water is life! Do not deprive your body of water during the winter months. If your body signals you about dehydration, quickly attend to it. Winter hydration is not only essential but easily achievable with mindful habits. You can ensure your well-being and vitality throughout the colder months by paying attention to your body’s signals, incorporating hydrating foods and beverages, and maintaining a consistent routine. 

Nourishing your body with water is a year-round commitment; winter is no exception. Keep following ZeaMed for more information.


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