The human heart is the most vital organ of our body, which does the main task of pumping blood. It is the size of a closed fist but consists of every vital veins, aorta and pulmonary trunk. Many people get different types of heart surgeries. One such surgery is cardiac catheterization. One should have complete information about the surgeries they are going to opt for. It is also very important to know the cost of cardiac catheterization before you go for the service.

If your doctor had recently told you to get a cardiac catheterization done and you were wondering what it is, the cost of such a procedure etc., keep reading below to discover. ZeaHealth keeps you updated with the latest healthcare information. Before going for cardiac catheterization in 2023, look at this blog for details.

What is cardiac catheterization?

Cardiac catheterization, also known as cardiac cath and coronary angiogram, is a procedure used to diagnose certain cardiovascular disorders by inserting a thin and long tube called a catheter into the artery/vein in the groin, neck or arm is threaded through the blood vessels to the heart. 

Surgeries like coronary angioplasty and coronary stenting are also done by cardiac catheterization.

Why do you need cardiac catheterization in 2023?

There are multiple reasons why your doctor might advise a cardiac catheterization. It is always good to know beforehand so that you don’t panic! There can be multiple reasons why cardiac catheterization is done.

  • To diagnose the presence of coronary artery diseases, valve disease or aorta disease.
  • To evaluate how the heart muscles are working.
  • It is done to determine the need for further treatments such as coronary artery bypass, replacement of valves etc.
  • To diagnose Atherosclerosis.

One of the most common causes where cardiac catheterization is required is Atherosclerosis.

What is Atherosclerosis?

It is the hardening or clogging of the heart’s arteries by the building up of cholesterol and fatty deposits, which restrict the blood flow in the heart. This results in chest pain called angina and a heart attack.

If you have been experiencing severe chest pains, abnormally high cholesterol levels and other abnormal test results, the doctor might feel it necessary to order a cardiac catheterization.

How long does it take to recover from a heart cardiac catheterization?

This depends on how you spend several hours inside the recovery room after the procedure until the anesthesia wears off and the plastic sheath inserted in the groin, arm or neck is removed.

The nurse will remove the catheter and apply pressure on the insertion sites, and you have to lie flat for several hours after the procedure.

The length of stay in the hospital will depend upon your condition, a patient can go home the same day or sometimes an overnight stay is recommended for patients who had an additional surgery like angioplasty.

The recovery time after a cardiac catheterization based on the catheter’s insertion area is as follows.

  •  If the catheter was inserted through the groins, a patient is told to limit climbing stairs to two to three days. Squatting, lifting heavy items, and playing sports are strictly restricted.
  • If the catheter was inserted through the arm, lifting a heavy object of more than ten pounds is restricted. Even heavy pushing, pulling or twisting is restricted.
  • Sexual activity must be avoided for two to five days, and the doctor must be consulted beforehand.
  • Bathing or swimming must be avoided in the first week. The catheter’s insertion area must not be wet for at least 48 hours. 
  • The health provider will tell you how to change the dressing. 

What is Left and right heart catheterization?

It is also important to know which side of the heart the catheterization will take place.

Left heart catheterization occurs by passing a tube through the artery, whereas, in right heart catheterization, the catheter is inserted through the venous route. 

What is the purpose of a left heart catheterization?

It is used to access heart pumping functions and heart pressures. It is also used to diagnose leaky or tight valves between the upper and bottom chambers of the heart.

How much does a left heart cardiac catheterization cost?

The estimated national average for cardiac catheterization with and without coronary angiogram costs around $9,161. The cost varies from facility to facility where you get the surgery done. 

The cost of a physician consulted before the surgery is excluded from the cost. Left heart catheterization cost in the USA starts from $7,000 to $11,300. The cost of a cardiac catheterization will also depend on whether one is insured or uninsured. 

Why waste time searching the internet and visiting clinics physically to know the accurate cost by leaving aside all your important work?

ZeaHealth has created a healthcare marketplace- ZeaMed where people can search and compare actual healthcare costs for surgeries and procedures. You can either enter the procedure name or the CPT code to get the pricing details. ZeaTool, our specialised AI healthcare tool will help you to compare the cost of the services within a very short time. You just have to enter the CPT code of the service or the name and leave the rest to the tool! ZeaTool is a kind of dictionary of healthcare costs designed by ZeaMed. This contains all the cost of the shoppable services of your nearby hospital. ZeaTool is going to save you money to a great extent. Gone are those days when you were forced to spend recklessly on healthcare because you had no option! ZeaMed is the current healthcare option for the USA and the world. We have together brought a healthcare change in society making consumers happy. ZeaMed is the leading face of healthcare transparency in 2023. We are aiding hospitals to be compliant and provide transparent healthcare services throughout the world. Let us all aim for healthcare transparency. Join ZeaMed and be a part of our team.
